How Cannabinoids Kill Cancer – Dennis Hill

This brief survey touches lightly on a few essential concepts. Mostly I would like to leave you with an appreciation that nature has designed the perfect medicine that fits exactly with our own immune system of receptors and signaling metabolites to provide rapid and complete immune response for systemic integrity and metabolic homeostasis.

~Dennis Hill


See also: Biochemist Dennis Hill, who cured his stage 3 prostate cancer with Cannabis Oil, explains how it works

How It Works (Abstract)

There is a plentiful supply of research articles and personal testaments that show the efficacy of cannabis effecting cancer remission. However, only a few point to the mechanism by which the cancer cells die. To understand this better we need to know what metabolic processes provide life to the cells.

There are two structures in most cells that sustains life; one is the mitochondria, and the other is the endoplasmic reticulum. The mitochondria primarily produces adenosine triphosphate (ATP) that provides the necessary energy. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a loosely bound envelope around the cell nucleus that synthesizes metabolites and proteins directed by the nuclear DNA that nourish and sustain the cell.

Let us look first at tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and observe that THC is a natural fit for the CB1 cannabinoid receptor on the cancer cell surface. When THC hits the receptor, the cell generates ceramide that disrupts the mitochondria, closing off energy for the cell.

Disruption of the mitochondria releases cytochrome c and reactive oxygen species into the cytosol, hastening cell death. It is notable that this process is specific to cancer cells. Healthy cells have no reaction to THC at the CB1 receptor. The increase in ceramide also disrupts calcium metabolism in the mitochondria, completing the demise to cell death.

The other cannabinoid we know is effective in killing cancer cells is cannabidiol (CBD). The primary job of CBD in the cancer cell is to disrupt the endoplasmic reticulum through wrecking of the calcium metabolism, pushing calcium into the cytosol. This always results in cell death. Another pathway for CBD to effect cancer cell death is the Caspase Cascade, which breaks down proteins and peptides in the cell. When this happens the cell cannot survive. Again, these processes are specific to cancer cells, no normal cells are affected.

1. The Journal of Neuroscience, February 18, 2009 • 29(7):2053–2063 • 2053
Cannabidiol Targets Mitochondria to Regulate Intracellular Calcium Levels.
Duncan Ryan, Alison J. Drysdale, Carlos Lafourcade, Roger G. Pertwee, and Bettina Platt.
School of Medical Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Foresterhill, Aberdeen AB25 2ZD, United Kingdom.
2. Mol Cancer Ther July 2011 10; 1161
Cannabidiol Induces Programmed Cell Death in Breast Cancer Cells by Coordinating the Cross-talk between Apoptosis and Autophagy
Ashutosh Shrivastava, Paula M. Kuzontkoski, Jerome E. Groopman, and Anil Prasad.
Division of Experimental Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.

How Do Cannabinoids Kill Cancer?

The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) started revealing itself to researchers in the 1940s and by the late ‘60s the basic structure and functionality had been laid out. Today we know the ECS is a comprehensive system of biochemical modulators that maintain homeostasis in all body systems including the central and peripheral nervous systems, all organ systems, somatic tissues, and all metabolic biochemical systems, including the immune system.

This homeostatic matrix is not a recent evolutionary twist just for humans; we find the Endocannabinoid System in every chordate creature for the last 500 million years. It is a fully mature biochemical technology that has maintained health and metabolic balance for most of the history of life itself.

The two major interactive systems within the ECS are (1) the cannabinoid receptors that we find on all cell surfaces and neurological junctions and (2) the endocannabinoids that fit the receptors to trigger various metabolic processes. Looking at a cannabinoid receptor distribution map we see that CB1 receptors, that are most sensitive to anandamide, are found in the brain, spinal nerves, and peripheral nerves. CB2 receptors preferred by 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) are found largely in the immune system, primarily the spleen. A mix of CB1 and CB2 receptors are found throughout the rest of the body including the skeletal system. And yes, 2-AG or CBD will grow new trabecular bone. It is also useful to note that both anandamide and 2-AG can activate either CB1 or CB2 receptors.

The nature of the endocannabinoids are functionally much like neurotransmitters, but structurally are eicosanoids in the family of signaling sphingolipids. These signaling cannabinoids keep track of metabolic systems all over the body. This information is shared with the nervous system and the immune system so that any imbalance is attended to. If the body is in chronic disease or emotional stress, the immune system can fall behind and lose control of compromised systems. It is here that phytocannabinoids can pitch in to support the stressed body in a return to health. The cannabis plant provides analogues of the body’s primary signaling cannabinoids. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is mimetic to anandamide, and cannabidiol (CBD) is mimetic to 2-AG, and has the same affinity to CB1 and CB2 receptors; providing the body with additional support for the immune and endocannabinoid systems.

Phytocannabinoids supercharge the body’s own Endocannabinoid System by amping up the response to demand from the immune signaling system in two modes of intervention: one, of course, is in bonding with the cannabinoid receptors; the other is in regulation of innumerable physiological processes, such as cannabinoid’s powerful neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory actions, quite apart from the receptor system. It is interesting to note here that the phytocannabinoids and related endocannabinoids are functionally similar, but structurally different. As noted above, anandamide and 2-AG are eicosanoids while THC and CBD are tricyclic terpenes.

The National Institutes of Health tell us that THC is the best known because of its signature psychotropic effect. This government report shows THC to be effective as an anti-cancer treatment, an appetite stimulant, analgesic, antiemetic, anxiolytic, and sedative.

There is a plentiful supply of research articles and personal testaments that show the efficacy of cannabis effecting cancer remission. However, only a few point to the mechanism by which the cancer cells die. To understand this better we need to know what metabolic processes provide life to the cells.

There are two structures in most cells that sustains life; one is the mitochondria, and the other is the endoplasmic reticulum. The mitochondria primarily produces adenosine triphosphate (ATP) that provides the necessary energy. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a loosely bound envelope around the cell nucleus that synthesizes metabolites and proteins directed by the nuclear DNA that nourish and sustain the cell.

Let us look first at tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and observe that THC is a natural fit for the CB1 cannabinoid receptor on the cancer cell surface. When THC hits the receptor, the cell generates ceramide that disrupts the mitochondria, closing off energy for the cell. The cancer cell dies, not because of cytotoxic chemicals, but because of a tiny little shift in the mitochondria.

In every cell there is a family of interconvertible sphingolipids that specifically manage the life and death of that cell. This profile of factors is called the “Sphingolipid Rheostat.” If ceramide (a signaling metabolite of sphingosine-1-phosphate) is high, then cell death (apoptosis) is imminent. If ceramide is low, the cell will be strong in its vitality.

Disruption of the mitochondria releases cytochrome c and reactive oxygen species into the cytosol, hastening cell death. It is notable that this process is specific to cancer cells. Healthy cells have no reaction to THC at the CB1 receptor. The increase in ceramide also disrupts calcium metabolism in the mitochondria, completing the demise to cell death. Within most cells there is a cell nucleus, numerous mitochondria (hundreds to thousands), and various other organelles in the cytoplasm. As ceramide starts to accumulate, turning up the Sphingolipid Rheostat, it increases the mitochondrial membrane pore permeability to cytochrome c, a critical protein in energy synthesis. Cytochrome c is pushed out of the mitochondria, killing the source of energy for the cell. Ceramide also causes genotoxic stress in the cancer cell nucleus generating a protein called p53, whose job it is to disrupt calcium metabolism in the mitochondria. If this weren’t enough, ceramide disrupts the cellular lysosome, the cell’s digestive system that provides nutrients for all cell functions. Ceramide, and other sphingolipids, actively inhibit pro-survival pathways in the cell leaving no possibility at all of cancer cell survival.

The key to this process is the accumulation of ceramide in the system. This means taking therapeutic amounts of cannabinoid extract, steadily, over a period of time, keeping metabolic pressure on this cancer cell death pathway.

The other cannabinoid we know is effective in killing cancer cells is cannabidiol (CBD). The primary job of CBD in the cancer cell is to disrupt the endoplasmic reticulum through wrecking of the calcium metabolism, pushing calcium into the cytosol. This always results in cell death. Another pathway for CBD to effect cancer cell death is the Caspase Cascade, which breaks down proteins and peptides in the cell. When this happens the cell cannot survive. Again, these processes are specific to cancer cells, no normal cells are affected.

How did this pathway come to be? Why is it that the body can take a simple plant enzyme and use it for healing in many different physiological systems? This endocannabinoid system exists in all animal life, just waiting for it’s matched exocannabinoid activator.

This is interesting. Our own endocannabinoid system covers all cells and nerves; it is the messenger of information flowing between our immune system and the central nervous system (CNS). It is responsible for neuroprotection, and micro-manages the immune system. This is the primary control system that maintains homeostasis: our wellbeing.
Just out of curiosity, how does the work get done at the cellular level, and where does the body make the endocannabinoids? Here we see that endocannabinoids have their origin in nerve cells right at the synapse. When the body is compromised through illness or injury it calls insistently to the endocannabinoid system and directs the immune system to bring balance. If these homeostatic systems are weakened, it should be no surprise that exocannabinoids perform the same function. It helps the body in the most natural way possible.

To see how this works we visualize the cannabinoid as a three dimensional molecule, where one part of the molecule is configured to fit the nerve or immune cell receptor site just like a key in a lock. There are at least two types of cannabinoid receptor sites, CB1 (CNS) and CB2 (immune). In general CB1 activates the CNS messaging system, and CB2 activates the immune system, but it’s much more complex than this. Both THC and anandamide activate both receptor sites. Other cannabinoids activate one or the other receptor sites. Among the strains of Cannabis, C. sativa tends toward the CB1 receptor, and C. indica tends toward CB2. So sativa is more neuroactive, and indica is more immunoactive. Another factor here is that sativa is dominated by THC cannabinoids, and indica can be higher than sativa in CBD (cannabidiol).

It is known that THC and CBD are biomimetic to anandamide and AG-2, that is, the body can use both interchangeably. Thus, when stress, injury, or illness demand more from endogenous anandamide than can be produced by the body, its mimetic exocannabinoids are activated. If the stress is transitory, then the treatment can be transitory. If the demand is sustained, such as in cancer, then treatment needs to provide sustained pressure of the modulating agent on the homeostatic systems.

Typically CBD gravitates to the 5-HT1A and Vanilloid receptors. CBD stimulates production of anandamide and AG-2, endogenous cannabinoids that are agonists for CB-1 and CB-2 receptors. From there, immune cells seek out and destroy cancer cells. Interestingly, it has been shown that THC and CBD cannabinoids have the ability to kill cancer cells directly without going through immune intermediaries. THC and CBD hijack the lipoxygenase pathway to directly inhibit tumor growth. As a side note, it has been discovered that CBD inhibits anandamide re-uptake. Here we see that cannabidiol helps the body preserve its own natural endocannabinoid by inhibiting the enzyme that breaks down anandamide.

Research shows that THC is metabolized to 11-Hydroxy-THC in the liver after oral consumption. We also know that 11-Hydroxy-THC is more potent than THC. This suggests that cannabis via smoking, or suppository is weaker clinically than oral since it misses the first-pass in the liver to convert. If you want to avoid the mental effects, use 1:1 THC:CBD. The CBD knocks out the mental effect while maintaining potency of the cannabis extract. My opinion is that oral cannabis extract with equal parts THC and CBD is the ideal cancer killer without the mental effects. The cannabinoids work in concert to kill cancer; this is known as the entourage effect; THC disrupts the cancer cell mitochondria, and CBD disrupts the cell’s endoplasmic reticulum, bringing certain cell death.

Also good to know that hydroxy-THC has a stronger mental effect than unmodified THC. If the cannabis oil has not been decarboxylated (to delete the acidic carboxyl radical), then there will be no effect of the THC. This is the most important issue is using cannabis to kill cancer. Without decarboxylation, the THC cannot fit the CB1 receptor on the cancer cell to cause cell death.

In 2006, researchers in Italy showed the specifics of how Cannabidiol (CBD) kills cancer. CBD stimulates what is known as the Caspase Cascade, that kills the cancer cell. First, let’s look at the nomenclature, then to how Caspase kills cancer. Caspase in an aggregate term for all cysteine-aspartic proteases. The protease part of this term comes from prote (from protein) and -ase (destroyer). Thus the caspases break down proteins and peptides in the moribund cell. This becomes obvious when we see caspase-3 referred to as the executioner. In the pathway of apoptosis, other caspases are brought in to complete the cascade.

Even when the cascade is done and all the cancer is gone, CBD is still at work healing the body. Cannabidiol also shuts down the Id-1 gene; a gene that allows metastatic lesions to form. Fundamentally this means that treatment with cannabinoids not only kills cancer through numerous simultaneous pathways (the entourage effect), but prevents metastasis. What’s not to like. One researcher says this: CBD represents the first nontoxic exogenous agent that can significantly decrease Id-1 expression in metastatic carcinoma leading to the down-regulation of tumor aggressiveness.

This brief survey touches lightly on a few essential concepts. Mostly I would like to leave you with an appreciation that nature has designed the perfect medicine that fits exactly with our own immune system of receptors and signaling metabolites to provide rapid and complete immune response for systemic integrity and metabolic homeostasis.

~Dennis Hill

The Journal of Neuroscience, February 18, 2009 • 29(7):2053–2063 • 2053
Cannabidiol Targets Mitochondria to Regulate Intracellular Calcium Levels.
Duncan Ryan, Alison J. Drysdale, Carlos Lafourcade, Roger G. Pertwee, and Bettina Platt.
School of Medical Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Foresterhill, Aberdeen AB25 2ZD, United Kingdom.
Mol Cancer Ther July 2011 10; 1161
Cannabidiol Induces Programmed Cell Death in Breast Cancer Cells by Coordinating the Cross-talk between Apoptosis and Autophagy
Ashutosh Shrivastava, Paula M. Kuzontkoski, Jerome E. Groopman, and Anil Prasad.
Division of Experimental Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.
Sami Sarfaraz, Farrukh Afaq, Vaqar M. Adhami, and Hasan Mukhtar + Author Affiliations. Department of Dermatology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin
J Neuroimmunol. 2007 Mar;184(1-2):127-35. Epub 2006 Dec 28.
Immune control by endocannabinoids – new mechanisms of neuroprotection? Ullrich O, Merker K, Timm J, Tauber S.
Institute of Immunology, Medical Faculty, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Leipziger Str. 44, 39120 Magdeburg, Germany.
Endocannabinoid synthesis & release.
Cannabinoid receptor type 1.
Journal of Neurochemistry, Volume 104 Issue 4, Pages 1091 – 1100
Published Online: 18 Aug 2008
Non-psychotropic plant cannabinoids: new therapeutic opportunities from an ancient herb.
Angelo A. Izzo, Francesca Borrelli, Raffaele Capasso, Vincenzo Di Marzo, and Raphael Mechoulam. Department of Experimental Pharmacology, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy. Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry, National Research Council, Pozzuoli (NA), Italy. Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Natural Products, Hebrew University Medical Faculty, Jerusalem, Israel, Endocannabinoid Research Group, Italy
Scientists test medicinal marijuana against MS, inflammation and cancer
By Nathan Seppa June 19th, 2010; Vol.177 #13 (p. 16)
NIH Public Access:
A house divided: ceramide, sphingosine, and sphingosine-1-phosphate in programmed cell death
Tarek A. Taha, Thomas D. Mullen, and Lina M. Obeid
Division of General Internal Medicine, Ralph H. Johnson Veterans Administration Hospital, Charleston, South Carolina 29401; and Department of Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina 29425
Corresponding author: Lina M. Obeid, M.D., Department of Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina, 114 Doughty St., P.O.Box 250779, Charleston, South Carolina 29425. E-mail:
P. Massi, A. Vaccani, S. Bianchessi, B. Costa, P. Macchi, D. Parolaro
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences CMLS
September 2006, Volume 63, Issue 17, pp 2057-2066
Mol Cancer Ther. 2007 Nov;6(11):2921-7.
Cannabidiol as a novel inhibitor of Id-1 gene expression in aggressive breast cancer cells.
McAllister SD, Christian RT, Horowitz MP, Garcia A, Desprez PY.
California Pacific Medical Center, Research Institute, 475 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA.
Peripheral cannabinoid receptor, CB2, regulates bone mass.
  1. Orr Ofek *, Meliha Karsak , Nathalie Leclerc , Meirav Fogel *, Baruch Frenkel , Karen Wright §, Joseph Tam *, Malka Attar-Namdar *, Vardit Kram *, Esther Shohami , Raphael Mechoulam , Andreas Zimmer , and Itai Bab *
Curr Pharm Des. 2006;12(24):3135-46.
Cannabinoids, immune system and cytokine network.
Massi P, Vaccani A, Parolaro D.
DBSF Pharmacology Unit and Centre of Neuroscience, University of Insubria, Via A. da Giussano 10, 21052 Busto Arsizio (VA), Italy.

Click to enlarge

202 thoughts on “How Cannabinoids Kill Cancer – Dennis Hill

  1. Here in the Philippines, I don’t think that they are going to legalize Medical Marijuana soon. My best friend’s mom has been battling with breast cancer and she hates taking pain pills and injections that her body doesn’t respond to. My friend told me that her mom tried to smoke a joint last week and all her pain was gone. Marijuana also made her get on a better mood! Cheers! 🙂


  2. What an article. You’ll be glad to know that the legendary Maximizer – with guaranteed 90% THC decarboxylation – will soon be returning as a great little cooker (it cannot be sold as a decarboxylator or it becomes paraphernalia) – activating THC and CBD for better smoking, vaping, extracting, consuming – and did you know, it’s sublingually active once you decarboxylate that bud? Effects in five minutes, great uptake, long lasting. We patented the decarboxylation of cannabis in 1982 – but it expired in 2002 of course. It’s the basis of Sativex and Epidiolex – I met Geoffrey Guy in 1998 (the G in GW) but I think that simple decarboxylated bud could actually take a chunk out of their market before they even release ’em. Like I said, one heck of an article – if this is true I’m a threat to cancer cells everywhere.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am in remission from multiple myeloma. Following two complete cycles of chemo and stem cell transplants, one OK the last failed, my Oncologist sort of said he was running out of ideas. From the beginning of this year I have consumed about one gram of cannabis oil each day. The preparation is exactly according to Rick’s. Plant’s are organically cultivated wild strains at 500o FTASL under equinox conditions. In April-May my blood tests illustrated a return of the proteins associated with the cancer. Reading Dennis Hills comments I have to say that I have been thinking that decarboxylation’s would happen enzymatically in the gut and so avoid any negatives that heating changes, that occur in the resins cannabinoids, might deliver. So I am a bit confused as it would be pretty much impossible to smoke a gram a day. I have moved to two grams a day. I can say that the major benefit, to date, has been a feeling of wellness and physical recovery. Not pronounced, I am not about to run a marathon, but I can be a very strong walker rather than a runner 🙂 I do not think to take any more complete cycles of chemotherapy. There are downsides that seem to lead to a mobility scooter; yes, I’d rather just shuffle off to the next galaxy. I can feel the damages from the cancer and general related aches but they are much less attention getting when taking cannabis. The next point is, that it does not seem to matter if I take considerable amounts of the cannabis oil I do not get stoned or in any way fuzzy-out of it from about the third day. I was not taking full one gram doses immediately but on the third day of taking cannabis resin I can describe an experience I had as being a little like an old car trying to start up on a cold morning. The sensation was like a car engine being cranked over and over until it would fire up. I sort of took this to be my cannabinoid system sort of turning on. I do melt some oil along the inside of a cigarette roll-up from time to time. There is a lift that is noticeable, mostly twinges and aches disappear like magic, but there is no feeling of being stoned, drink or in any way incapacitated. There are times when I have been like a led balloon after taking the oil but, on the majority of cases, far from stoned, skunked out in some heap drifting to sounds of Billy Brag I am most frequently energized into active interests mental and physical. After six years of full on treatments I am, by most modern standards, a reasonably healthy cancer patient. Will my cancer get killed by the cannabinoids? I don’t know. I am up for taking activated if I can be informed how my partner should make this. For now I am quietly pleased that I shall probably depart this world, dead from this cancer, feeling a great deal of wellness. I should say that this is a gift that humanity would make available to all any anyone as possibly the most efficacious of food supplements, if not a medical cure for anything in particular there can be little doubting the wellness on offer to so many people for a trifling amount. Hemp should be actively promoted as the exceptionally valuable commercial crop that is is and a crop that can contribute huge amounts o food, fuel and bio chemical supplies as well as performing it’s primary function of land repair and reinvigoration. As an intercropping over story or under story species C Sativa adds value to all third world cropping and agricultural systems. In the case of Pam Oil intercropping with Cannabis is an addition to the fight against wildlife and habitats destructions. If there’s one grass that the wildlife of Africa like to munch it’s Cannabis. Our Elephants can mow a good ten Ha’s in a night, leaving with big trumpeting smiles. We follow to get their pooh to plant out 😉 Yup, who knows, Elephant pooh enhanced cannabis could be the one. We are happy to send samples of the brew. As said, the major most impressive and underpinning experience I have is one of wellness. Given that I know what it is like to actually experience chemotherapies impacts I can say that I consider that all and anyone suffering from long term illness of any variety can gain some return of wellness and if lucky, like me, enjoy your sickness time, either way it wont last. Killed or cured with cannabis ? Perhaps not a guaranteed cure for all cancers certainly a supplement or medicine that has to be part of any long term treatment and probably a freebie with a pension as anyone past 40 needs some ache cure and feel good.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. How does one obtain the oils in the most effective doses? Im not sure if I understand the heating up of the oil? And what is the most effective way of getting said oils to the lung cancer cells?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Lynn – Very simply, cannabinoids in the plant are acidic, i.e. THCA and CBDA. Heating at 240º for 45 minutes converts THCA to THC, which fits the CB1 cannabinoid receptor in the tumor, then kills the cancer. This is called decarboxylation because the CO2 is called a carboxyl group, and keeps the THC from fitting the receptor and killing the cancer cell. There you have it. Take the cannabinoid extract orally as oil, or take the oil as suppository to diminish the mental effects of the THC, if that’s your pleasure. ~Dennis

    Liked by 1 person

    • My ex Has terminal cancer, my questions is do you need to take both the THC and CDB together to kill the cells. My understands was it is the CDB that she needs. It’s all very confusing.


      • I’m sorry to hear that. It IS confusing. You should take it in a 1:1 ratio, Orally (under the tongue) and rectally. Dosing, etc., is a little complex. Have you checked out Rick Simpson Oil? We hired a MMJ consultant for my GF’s breast cancer, and that’s what she recommends.


  6. Hi dennis,
    Im leslie rubio and my husband is astomach cancer patient (partial remive) went to chemo, radiation but now in recurrent stage again . Can you help us where to buy the oul. How to use it. We do appreciate if you can advice re. This .

    Leslie rubio


  7. Hi Dennis
    Thanks for a great article that clearly explains the mechanisms whereby cannabis preparations kill off cancer cells.
    I am a research scientist with advanced prostate cancer and my due diligence led me to a similar conclusion after I surveyed a fairly broad body of literature in a somewhat haphazard manner.
    I was diagnosed about 18 months ago with prose cance that was staged as a Gleason 9(5+4) after the tumor was extracted via Da Vanci boho tic assisted surgery.
    I has salvage radiation treatment based on exponentially increasing PSA scores following surgery. Unfortunately, PSA scores increased at an even higher rate following radiation so I decided to start medical marijuana treatment last month.
    I am following a protocol that will deliver 60 grams of a preparation derived from two high potency strands of mariijuana over a 2 and 1/2 month period.
    I am conducting this as a single subject research design using data analytic procedures that Imhave published in several peer reviewed scientific journals, together with my collaborative Dr Donald Wheeler, who is an internationally respected quality improvement specialist.
    Would you be available to review the data Imhave gathered so far?
    It would be an honor if you would serve as a consultant/ co-author of the publication of you think it has potential scientific merit. Next week, I will have my first PSA result since I started treatment and the framework I am using to monitor changes in my PSA scores over time will provide clear guidelines for determining if that result is consistent with the hypothesis that the change is not an example of random variation unrelated to treatment.
    I would also like to ask you some questions related to suspected side effects of exposure to this level of THC continuously for the past month that I am experiencing.
    Thanks for any help you can offer.
    My direct e-mail address is if you would rather respond off site.


  8. Hello Dennis and thankyou so much for this invaluable information on the therapeutic effects of the various component parts of cannabis. I have Stage 4 ovarian cancer and have been taking CBD Oil for about three months. I have felt well on this but have been advised by the suppliers to incorporate THC according to the dose regime below to maxmise the anti-cancer effects. However since I started the regime nearly 10 days ago my mood has dipped and I feel generally muzzy and tense. I am concerned that as I proceed to ever higher doses of THC these effects will be come intensified and so I am very keen to return to just taking the CBD oil alone.
    I felt so well on that and am interested to know how much I will compromise my chances of overcoming this widespread cancer by excluding the potential benefits of THC

    1g = 1000mg
    1000mg = 1ml
    25mg 1 x 1 over 5 days (5 Capsules) 125mg (Step 1)
    25mg 2 x 1 x 5 days (10 Capsules) 250mg (Step 2)
    25mg 4 x 1 x 5 days (20 Capsules) 500mg (Step 3)
    50mg 4 x 1 x 5 days (20 Capsules) 1000mg (Step 4)
    100mg 4 x 1 x 5 days (20 capsules) 2000mg (Step 5)
    150mg 4 x 1 x 5 days (20 capsules) 3000mg (Step 6)
    200mg 4 x 1 x 5 days (20 capsules) 4000mg (Step 6.5)
    250mg 4 x 1 x 30 days (120 capsules) 30,000mg (Step 7)
    (200mg 4 x 1 x 5 days (20 capsules) 4000mg (Step 6.5)
    150mg 4 x 1 x 5 days (20 capsules) 3000mg (Step 6)
    100mg 4 x 1 x 5 days (20 capsules) 2000mg (Step 5)
    50mg 4 x 1 x 5 days (20 Capsules) 1000mg (Step 4)
    25mg 4 x 1 x 5 days (20 Capsules) 500mg (Step 3)
    25mg 2 x 1 x 5 days (10 Capsules) 250mg (Step 2)
    25mg 1 x 1 x 5 days (5 Capsules) 125mg (Step 1)
    As you can see it is slowly building up to taking 4 capsules a day with 250mg per capsule for 30 days
    then reducing again at the end, depending on the severity it may require longer on 1000mg per day for
    this program 52ml/g.
    Step 6.5 is optional, many people like to add the extra step in just to ease the transition into the full


    • 1 ml or 1 gram will only equal 1000 mg of thc if the oil arrives to you with 100% thc to begin with. The volume of the oil will be 1000mg of oil, but to figure out the mg of thc per gram of oil, you would have to take the percentage by volume and multiply it by 10 .

      So, if we make capsules of oil that has been decarboxylated and it ends up becoming 60% thc and 12% cbd, we need to figure out how much oil fits in a capsule and figure out the percentage first. An oil that is only 60% thc is not what Rick Simpson claims will kill the cancer at 1 gram per day, he states that the oil needs to be 90% THC and that of an Indica strain. That is pretty darn strong for Indica, so I would imagine it would need to be mixed. The highest counts I see online are 84.75% thc, which would equal 847.5 mg per gram or ml of oil, which are the same sizes.

      If the oil becomes diluted with oil when decarboxylated, we need the volume of the capsule, which a #1 capsule fills up with 4/10 of a ml/gram, and this would be easiest to measure strength by taking the 600 mg thc per gram and 120mg cbd per gram both divided by 10 and multiplied by 4 would equal 240mg of thc and 48 mg of cbd.

      It is important that the percentage by volume is figured in because for all you know, the oil could have been diluted to 25 % of it’s original strength and it will not be as effective unless given at doses of at least 1000mg of thc daily and a bare minimum of 120mg of cbd’s every day. I have found complete success with this amount, decimating my sarcoma within 6 weeks and not a trace was found in my system later.

      it took me 3 weeks to get up to this dose without hallucinating, but, after I was done, I hardly even get stoned by swallowing even 350 mg of 90% thc oil. Dabs don’t get me high, only shatter and really great wax when smoked at high levels, but for $40 weekly, I remain cancer free and feel like a millin bucks. I have never felt healthier and I refused all chemo, all radiation, and every other cancer drug on the market.

      2/3 of my body was covered with Lipoma like tumors under my skin that were hard like rocks, hurt like hell,. and they all disappeared within 3 weeks of heavy thc oil use. I owe my life to my dear friend Gary who has treated me well with the oils he makes. If anybody knows who Gary is, he sells RSO and is the leading supplier for everybody and anybody in the US.

      I do not need to be supplied by him any longer, but as long as i live, I will always remember him and have the utmost respect for him. He spends his life making this to cure people at NO profit. Without him and his crew, I would be dead already last month. Doctors claim it was nothing less than a miracle that has cured me and I will never believe it was a miracle, it was Gary and Rick Simpson’s miracles that have cured me.. Rick has rediscovered this and Gary made it.

      Thank you Gary, if there is anything I could do to assist you, I will do all I could to help.

      Best Regards,
      Mark from CT


      • I live in Europe and have already cured my prostate cancer with RSO with about 70% THC. However the cancer returned (6 months later) while on maintenance. I am not sure but believe the problem came from a low quality oil. Now, I am ready to go any place to get cured again and ask you please to tell me how to contact Gary. I used the RSO rectally.

        Liked by 1 person

    • they are telling you to use the oil because cbd oil does not work by itself. CBD oil is only known to stop the metastasis and not kill the tumors as THC does. THC fits the cannabinoid receptor and turns off the switch that releases the cancer cells. For all of you who truly do not know what cancer is, it is a part of the immune system that protects the body from diseases., All of our bodies have this and when we are young enough, with strong enough immune systems, the cancer encapsulates the diseases, and eliminates it. When we get older, cancer is not strong enough to do this, or if you have the cancer gene abnormality.

      An Italian doctor has explained perfectly how cancer functions, however, he treated people as Cancer was a fungus. Cancer isn’t a fungus, in fact, cancer isn’t even bad until the gene mutation is in one’s body that disallows Cancer to do it’s job. People all have a specific amount of fungii such aS yeast in their bodies, and when the immune system gets weakened by such diseases as HIV or MS, the immune function nearly dies. The Cancer switch in the brain is turned on and it tries to battle the infection, which is usually viral of fungal. The fungus or virus is encaapsulated, then the cancer with the gene abnornmality allows the disease to escape, and most of the time the fungus, mold, or whatever the infection is spreads and the cancer goes after it in an attempt to encapsulate it again, making the growths and metastasis larger, more pronounced, and more body wide, faster and faster until organs get infested with it, they start to shut down and you have a fast, nasty and painful death.

      Cannabis with high levels of thc introduce massive levels of oxygen to the body. It also turns off the body’s reaction to the disease in the brain by blocking the receptors by fitting it perfectly. It is also a neuroprotector, strengthens the immune system, eliminates molds and all fungii dead in merely days, and eliminates tumors which is a natural defense of the body.

      To stop these funguses from spreading and getting larger, the elimination of sugars and anything that feeds these molds or funguses need to be taken from the body to starve the yeasts, molds, funguses, etc. If the cancer’s cause is virus, then anti virals need to be taken to kill the virus by either eliminating the proteins they eat, or, introduction to the specific frequency with high energy levels need to be done, which was a thing of the past using the Rife machine with a frequency sweep.

      Cancer doesn’t need to die, cancer isn’t bad, it is the gene mutation that can be controlled with cannabis, raising one’s PH, lowering acidity and sugar levels to starve the diseased tissue one has. Cancer is also caused by radiation. Cigarettes have lots of radiation in them from the government forced chemicals used in the Fire Safety Control Chemicals,. as well the chemical additives caused to make one addicted to them, and, the chemicals added to the fertilizers and low level radioactive substances used in them which are forced into the tobacco industry as a method to get rid of them after they decay in storage facilities until they exceed their half life.

      Do NOT take chemo, do not use radiation. It will only make doctors rich and make you miserably sick, plus, the medical industry will make billions to basically kill you if you ever life a day longer than your anticipated eta to death that they give you once you are diagnosed with your end stage, or latter cancer stage.

      Cannabis oil with THC is your cure. It is easy to acquire, however it is expensive and is NOT covered by any insurance. It works, I am a survivor and it is all natural.. DO NOT LISTEN TO ANYBODY ELSE.. IT WORKS 100% in less than 90 days. It cost me about $3000 for my treatment, and it now only costs me $40 weekly to remain healthy.

      Oh, don’t forget, if you have toxins in your body from preservatives, or other food chemicals and steroids used to strengthen animals for their milks and meats, stay away from them. Also stay away from all tobacco, all smoked meats and all sugars. These will all kill us eventually.

      chemicals in shampoos, conditioners and creams are just as bad. Do NOT use any prescription meds unless absolutely necessary. Most are not even know how they work, like Neurontin, and they have so many bad things in them that they cause more harm than good. Trust me, I used to do all of these things and had cancer and was always sick, felt ill like I was dying every morning. I now am happy to wake up and enjoy my wonderful life and you all can too! May God Bless You All!

      Love Your Life! And Do This For You! You Deserve It!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mark
        That was a lot to take in but it is consistent with an emerging view of cancer I have been reading about.
        Can you provide a reference for the ” Italian doctor” you mentioned?
        Also, I would suggest avoiding claims of ” 100℅ effective”
        In my experience nothing works all of the time.
        We are all so different in so many ways, and our cancers reflect this diversity.
        However, I agree with your general point that our decades long ” war on cancer” has been so spectacularly unsuccessful because it is based on the flawed premise that cancer is a foreign invader that needs to be conquered.
        In my view, it can more productively be viewed as a type of auto- immune disorder that requires long term management.


  9. Angela – I, too, would encourage you to use THC in your regimen, as THC is a powerful cancer killer and works cooperatively with your CBD to bring healing. You can minimize the effect of the THC by taking it in the evening, and just sleeping through the mental effects of it. This strategy worked nicely for me with the high doses of treatment oil. I hope this will work for you as well. ~Dennis


    • Hi Mark,

      I’m very interested in knowing some of your resources from your experience with eliminating sugars and the oil you used. Thanks so much- melissa


  10. I can certainly relate to Angela’s concern about long-term exposure to the treatment protocol she describes.
    I started a medical marijuana trial last month to treat advanced prostate cancer[ Gleason 9,5+4]] which continued to grow rapidly despite surgery and salvage radiation treatment as intended curative strategies.
    My protocol is similar to that described by Mr Hill in that I will incorportate, via suppositories, over 60 grams of cannabis oil derived from a 50/50 mix of high THC and CBD varieties.
    I gradually titrated to my current daily dose of .8 grams per day by ingesting capsules which had .1 gram each. During that phase I definitely experienced my version of the “muzzy/tense” reaction Angela mentions. I was definitely “stoned” much of the time and felt like I was walking through molasses.
    These psychotropic effects diminished greatly when I shifted to the suppository form of administration, as predicted from reports by others. Not only is the bioavialibility of the product much higher via this route, but apparently not as much of the THC crosses the blood/brain barrier this way.
    Nevertheless, there is a significant “psychological burden” which must be considered before embarking of a prolonged regimen of daily exposure to such high levels of THC. One pound of THC was processed to create the distillate I am consuming 2 times per day. Over the course of 3 months, this corresponds to .17 ounces per day. I don’t know if anyone has translated these figures into “smokeable equivalents” but this certainly seems like a very large dose.
    I am writing this at about 11am, before I take my morning dose. It has been roughly 12 hours since my last dose. I don’t consider myself to be “high” as I write this. My writing is very tangential, with lost of elliptical references when I am high. I leave it to the reader to determine if that is the case now. However, I would not describe myself as in my “normal state of consciousness” either. There is a certain “stoned” quality to my momentary experiences and social interactions that is often noticed in retrospect, with a shrug- Oh yeah, I really am stoned. I am facing almost 2 more months of this condition, which now seems to have reached a steady state.
    It takes a lot of effort to get through the day in this condition, especially if I must interact with others all day in my “public persona” of Dr Al Pfadt, a mental health professional with nearly 40 years in the developmental disabilities community.
    Being retired certainly helps. I don’t think I could tolerate a work schedule as demanding as the ones I had when I was younger.
    I certainly won’t drive a car, not primarily because I feel impaired, but because of the legal implications of having such an elevated THC content should I be tested for any reason. I also would not make any significant personal, financial, or professional decision without consulting with others.
    I hope this contributes to the dialogue about the full implications of medical marijuana treatment that Angela initiated. Good luck to all of us pioneers!


  11. This question is on cannabinoid-resistant cancer.

    My grandpa has been a stage-4 prostate cancer patient.

    In the first weeks of his cannabis treatment, his PSA levels fell from 120 to 30 (in just 25 days) !!!!!!!

    But, due to mistakes made by me later in dosage (I stopped giving cannabis for 30 days, due to another medical problem he had), cancer has become cannabinoid resistant.
    (and PSA has been rising since 8 months and it is now 180)
    Please suggest something…

    It looks like his cancer has become cannabinoid resistant.
    It has perhaps mutated to find a way around the cannabis anti-cancer effect.

    His current dosage is: 1/2 rice grain..4 times day
    I know, I am increasing it gradually (my bad, that I could not reach the optimum level in time)..
    Despite the gradual increase I am doing, I am still seeing that the PSA is rising fast.
    40 points in 20 days.
    And I feel that even after increasing dosage, it may not work very well, as it has become cannabinoid resistant.

    What can I do , in this stage?

    1) Can I make it sensitive to cannabis by cleansing the cannabinoid receptors. How to cleanse?
    2) Currently I am using a cannabis-oil with 85% THC
    3) Shall I include synthetic CBD (example hu-331), in his diet
    4) SHould I introduce hihg concentration CBD oils
    5) Vitamin B17?
    6) GcMAF Bravo Probiotic curd

    He is only on hormone therapy. No chemo done ever.
    Also, at the time at which cancer became cannabinoid-resistant, we had given him ibandronic-acid / zoledranic acid infusions. (Cud this be the reason for ineffectiveness)…
    What can I do, please guide?



  12. Aparna – For your grandpa I would recommend 1:1 THC:CBD for several reasons. CBD is an excellent cancer killer (see attached), and works in concert with THC to kill cancer (entourage effect). PSA is primarily an index of inflammation, not necessarily cancer. Although cancer is inflammatory. CBD inhibits the mental effects of THC, so you can increase the dose more rapidly. CBD is an anti-inflammatory so will help the PSA. (
    My second recommendation is for you grandpa to cut out sugar. When a cell goes cancerous, it shifts its metabolism from oxygen energy to sugar. This happens for two reasons: 1) this is a way the cancer hides from the immune system, and 2) the metabolic direction shifts from cell growth to cell replication, stimulating metastasis. Thus we see that sugar grows the cancer and makes it virulent. This is known as the Warburg Effect (Otto Warburg got the Nobel Prize in 1931 for this discovery).
    Hope this is useful.


    Liked by 1 person

  13. Dennis, My 85 year old father-in-law has just been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. He hasn’t started any therapy as of yet.
    Doctors , of course are recommending chemo, but I would like to get him started on the cannabis oil .
    We would like to make the oil ourselves, I am new to the cancer treatment. Could you recommend a strain of bud that would be best to use?
    I have my medical marijuana card, but have no idea what strains would be best.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thank you –Lee–


  14. If CBD counteracts the psychotropic effects of THC at an even (1:1) ratio, then why would anyone just use CBD only preparations for anything? Especially if the cannabinoid system works in concert and adjusts itself with both cb1 and cb2 receptors for homeostasis? And/or why isn’t suppository delivery the preferred method- or is it unless one isn’t concerned for the blood brain barrier absorption and THC effects? (But then again- wouldn’t an even ratio counteract?)
    Also- how is the proper dosage determined based on the known ailment? Are there so many CBD only products that tout no need for THC bc of the stigma and illegal nature still?? I know that I have a benign ovarian tumor- there may be other issues that I don’t know, but nonetheless, I am researching all I can for treatment that I figure will help whatever else may be lurking with an imbalanced system that has allowed a benign tumor to grow anyway- I live in Texas and therefore have obstacles- could you also explain what benefits are lost and what are retained from smoking cannabis? Thanks so very much


  15. Melissa – There is much opinion about all this, so here is another opinion. CBD inhibits the mental effects of THC somewhat. At 1:1 you can still feel the THC. Not sure how high you have to go to counteract the mental effect. THC kills cancer hitting the CB1 receptor, generating Ceramide to rip up the mitochondria, and killing the cancer cell. CBD kills cancer by disrupting the Endoplasmic Reticulum around the cell nucleus, killing the cancer cell. Both kill cancer, but the entourage of both is generally better. Breast cancer is more responsive to CBD than THC, whereas prostate cancer is the reverse. Suppository application of cannabis oil to the lower 2/3 of the anal canal drains into the internal iliac vein that goes directly to the inferior vena cava, by-passing the liver. THC administered to the upper third of the rectum goes to the portal vein and to the liver. THC is oxidized in the liver to11-hydroxy-D9-THC that is substantially more potent than by-pass THC. Proper dosage for any given ailment will come through human trials; we’re not there yet. Smoking cannabis gives a short duration, high intensity effect. Compared with cannabis oil extract, smoking cannabis is weak and useless for disease management. Hope this discussion will be useful in some way. ~Dennis


  16. Thank you so much for answering me and taking the time to do so- Yes, that makes sense. Ever heard of Constance Labs out of San Francisco? They promote whole plant sativa 1:1 oil recommended at least 2 months duration with 10g/mo for treating a condition such as mine (benign ovarian tumor)- It’s also $100/gram with a 10g minimum. Do you know of any doctors that actually treat patients w cannabis oil therapy where they monitor the levels needed based on the fact that it varies given our existing levels already, and that once built up, actually causes the dosage to lower over time? I’m having a hard time finding treatment doctors and not just recommendation writers.


    • Melissa – sorry to say I don’t know any qualified physicians who are treating with cannabinoids; I’m sure there are some, but not in my address book. Over time we increase the tolerance to THC and can take more. For the most part we have to be our own doctor. Follow the research, be self-aware, increase your dose according to your tolerance… everyone’s tolerance is different. ~Dennis


  17. Great article! MY GF is dealing with stage 4 breast cancer that has spread to her abdomen. She is having trouble eating and drinking. Hospice is now involved. We have started her on a controlled and powerful MMJ regimen – suppositories and sub-lingual, 1:1 CBD:THC. . I know you can’t know the answer, but is it possible that we can pull her out of this? Thanks.


    • Dan – Looks like you are doing everything right. The only thing I know is that cannabis kills cancer. So there certainly is a possibility she could survive. It just depends, at this late stage, if the cannabis can catch up. Hope it goes well. ~Dennis

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Dennis
        My last PSA test result will be in tomorrow.
        As you may remember, I documented a clear treatment effect after what I call the ” loading phase ” of my clinical trial which involved delivery of 65 grams of a high potency preparation of cannabinoid oil containing a 1/1 mix of THC and CBD via suppositories for across 3 months.
        My PSA level rose afterwards dramatically but this may have been because the tapering phase was too abrupt.
        Will let you know the outcome.


  18. Dennis, one other question. It’s frustrating that we have to start with such low doses, but I see why. Do you think that the beginning doses have some effect on the cancer, and how quickly does it begin to work? Thanks!


  19. Hi Dennis,

    My grand dad, who is 81, has throat cancer with a 10% tumor left after chemo. Would just CBD oil be even a little effective in curing the cancer, since he is on blood pressure medication and the THC might not be too conducive.

    If in case I am to use cannabis oil, how much of a dosage should we start with considering he is inexperienced with cannabis and damaged by chemo so is very weak.

    Also, since gathering the right strain at the moment is not an option for a while, does hash oil/charas work the same as cannabis oil.


    • Purnima,
      on the website, they mention that THC oil will lower blood pressure, so maybe it won’t be an issue for your grandfather. Hope this little bit of info helps.


  20. Hi Dennis,

    My granddad is 81 and has a 10% tumor left in his throat, after chemo. Would just CBD oil be of any use, considering he is also on blood pressure.

    He is very weak and inexperienced, so if cannabis oil is to be used how much dosage should we begin with?


  21. Purnima – CBD oil is strongly anti-cancer, so should help your granddad. Hash oil and charas both work the same as cannabis oil, as long as they are heated (decarboxylation) to shift the acidic plant oil (THCA/CBDA) to the bioactive form (THC/CBD). Since your granddad is new to this, start with a small amount; then as he adapts to the oil, increase up to tolerance. According to this website ( dosage can start at about 25mg and increase from there up to tolerance. Hope he does well with this regimen. Namastè, ~Dennis


  22. Hi Dennis, thank so much for sharing this article. My father is fighting B cell lymphoma and we are open to all ideas. He has tried chemo and it has helped however it does make him sick.We are still fighting this disease, I found this article and it really gives me hope. Please if you would contact me back I am very interested in this research. Please.


  23. Hi Dennis. Thank you for writing this article, and for answering our questions! Very helpful. 🙂 Is lymphoma more responsive to CBD or THC? I ask because I have found that even the minutest amount of THC oil (as in a single droplet) to be too powerful for me in terms of its psychoactive effects – and in a very unpleasant way with much fear, paranoia, panic, anxiety. It is essentially a 4-hour bad acid trip that is very traumatic. My quality of life is wrecked when I have tried it. I have been wondering whether a “CBD-only” oil would solve my problem?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Kim, I will see that Dennis gets this, but thought i would weigh in here too.

      You will acclimate to the THC, and it happens quickly. the first time i took a rice grain sized dose of oil, i also hallucinated (enjoyed it very much). I tried and tried to have that experience again and no matter what, it never happened. I can take 3 rice grains and will simply get tired, and have a nice sleep.

      anyone with human anatomy will have a somewhat similar experience. This is why “stoners” have to take “tolerance breaks” so they don’t waste cannabis. before too long, it takes more and more to get high.

      your tolerance will grow, but i understand the feeling that you don’t want to risk those horrible feelings and thoughts again, that going through that is too much and not worth it.

      the reason i wanted to weigh in is to share with you a somewhat unique view that i learned from my own experiences, as well as from a man in Canada who healed his cancer. i will look for his video, which is on this blog, but until then, let me just summarize what he said.

      He too had these nightmarish fear episodes, and he said it was perhaps the most healing aspect of taking the oil. the feelings and thoughts are real, they are stored inside of us, they have been repressed because we could not handle them at the time. repressed emotions become physical ailments. releasing those feelings, he believes, was paramount to his healing. so not only does the cannabis kill cancer cells, but it is also a form of emotional therapy, deep, deep therapy. if you have ever gone to a therapist, you know that it isn’t pleasant. for me, when those feelings and thoughts came up in therapy, i would instantly repress them. i didn’t have control over it, i would literally black out and come to, not remembering what the therapist had even asked me.

      the man believes that as his cancer was healed, the thoughts and emotions that caused it, or that were related to it, was also healed – “it has to come up to come out”, as healers are known to say. we have to face our demons.

      know that “this too shall pass” – nothing can hurt you in this process. you can watch it like a movie – as emotions and crazy uncomfortable fears come up, know that they are from the past, not the present, and that if you are witnessing them, it means they are leaving you, not the other way around.

      it’s sort of a shamanic trip you are embarking on, and it isn’t easy. people in South America take Ayahuasca to heal cancer and other things. the same thing happens to them – as they heal, they have to witness all the stuff they had stuffed. they throw up, they have scary visions, and beautiful ones. when it is over, their cancer is gone, or their resentments and depression or PTSD is gone (if you have Netflix, you can watch a short documentary on this – look for Chelsea Handler’s series).

      i write because i have seen people on this blog opt for an easier, softer way, and their cancer does not heal. i feel the urge to say – do not take the easy road when you are dealing with serious issues. i don’t want another reader to write us saying their cancer is not healing. CBD has been shown to be very effective alone for breast cancer only. for all other cancers, THC is the King, CBD helps very much, and will mellow the high, but it is too mellow for the task at hand.

      please forgive me for butting in, i know i have no right to give ‘advice’, but i just see too many people make the mistake of wanting an easier path.

      the man in the video went for it – he went through the nightmarish experiences, he took so much oil that for weeks he did barely anything besides sleep. and he is cancer-free today.

      God bless you.


      • Thank you for weighing in! That is a very useful perspective for me on this right now. I had been pondering the same thing myself a bit, i.e., the need to actually clear and release this negative energy (which comes from a lifetime, not from the THC itself) in order to heal. I had not articulated it so fully as you have here, and I had not really tied it into why this THC experience I am having may be essential to my healing, and why an ‘easier’ path might be a mistake. I would like to watch the video of the Canadian man who had this perspective with his cannabis experience.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I’m so glad you found it helpful. I highly doubt i will be able to find the video, this blog is so packed and i don’t remember what i titled it. I’ve spend the last 1/2 hour online trying to find it, but it was pretty obscure, just an audio interview posted to youtube. I think i conveyed the gist of what he said, and although i really wish you could hear it, i don’t think you’re missing too much (he didn’t talk about it for along time, didn’t say much beyond what i did). But miracles abound, and if i do find it i will certainly reply back here!

          Liked by 1 person

    • Kim – The research on cannabis and lymphoma is pretty thin, but I have found most scientists and clinicians who have published on this topic write that both THC and CBD are therapeutic in treating lymphoma. The good news is that CBD inhibits the mental effects of THC, so that when you take them together you would not have the intolerable experience that you describe. Both cannabinoids kill cancer by different routes: THC takes out the mitochondria, killing the cell, and CBD works at the cell nucleus, killing the cell. Given that you have a bad experience with the THC, consider a ratio of 4:1 CBD:THC that would be much less distressing than the THC alone, and is more therapeutic than CBD alone. Experiment with this to find the best ratio for you. And if the blend is still uncomfortable for you, go solo CBD; this will work. Hope this is helpful. ~Dennis


      • Thanks very much, Dennis! That’s very helpful advice, especially about the 4:1 ratio of CBD:THC as a starting point for me, and I can adjust from there as needed. ~Kim 🙂


  24. Hello Dennis,

    Thanks for the info; but I have one question. After being on the cure for around 2 weeks for breast cancer, my wife is experiencing pain in the lump and surrounding tissue. She’s been upping the dosage since starting; is now up to half gram per day. Is the pain/tenderness a sign that it’s working; and have you ever heard of this reaction before.




    • Mike – There is one thing that might explain the tenderness; it may be caused by the body trying to break down and dispose of the dead and dying cancer cells. The breast is highly lymphatic, so any swelling and soreness might reflect the metabolic activity in cleaning up the debris. This is just my opinion and should not get in the way of medical attention.


  25. Hi Dennis,

    Do you know where I can find CBD:THC cannabis oil in UK? I live in London and I can’t really find it, all I found is CBD Oil in amazon. Also, maybe it’s possible to ship CBD:THC oil to UK if I can find a suppler?
    I’ve been diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast cancer this March and I am only 27. I refused operation, chemo and radiation and went natural way: B17, kernels, soda, supplements and vegan diet. Looking for CBD:THL oil.



    • Hi Dennis, and others.
      I posted earlier about the results of my medical marijuana trial for my Gleason 9(5+4) prostate cancer which continued to grow exponentially after 2 failed curative attempts- surgery and salvage radiation treatment.
      The Rick Simpson protocol that I followed ( 65 grams of high potency THC and CBD in a 1-1 ratio administered mostly via suppositories dramatically stopped the progression of my cancer for the first time ( using commonly accepred PSA kinetics as a surrogate measure of PSA tumor growth. However this effect dissipated when I cut back too quickly on the maintenance dose.
      Dennis encouraged me to keep at it and I appreciate the list administrator’s comments about not avoiding the pain while trying for the gain.
      I found a combination I can tolerate and have hammered my bad boy once again with about 1 gram per week of this mixture which includes about a 2-1_ratio of THC to CBD.
      Not only this again stop the progression of my PSA test results but nuclear imagine studies( full body CT scan and CT scan of the abdomen with and without contrast) showed a reduced volume as well, to such an extent that the technician who read the results didn’t detect any cancer.
      When I reviewed the scan with my oncologist, who knew where to look to find the tumor that we clearly saw 6 months ago was still present.
      However, he said that there is no need to treat it at this time. He has a hard time reconciling this view with his opinion that Medical Marijuana doesn’t work, particularly when I reminded him that he wanted to enroll me in a clinical trial last year so that I had a chance to get a new combination of chemotherapy and chemical castration via androgen deprivation, that he recommended so forcefully.
      So Dennis- you were correct. If given a chance to work, enough THC together with enough CBD to make the psychotropic effects of the preparation, this is certainly a viable approach to treatment.
      My next PSA test result is in 2 weeks.
      I will keep you all posted.
      I there is any way to post a picture on this site, I will send you a photo of my graph.
      I am a research scientist who who specializes in single subject research designs and the one I am using for this study has several interesting features, at least to a data nerd like me.
      Dennis called attention to the need for empirical answers to questions like- what is the best combination of THC and CBD, taken at what dose and for how long, for particular types of cancer.
      Ultimately, well designed between group comparisons will be required to answer these questions.
      However, for now, each person can provide evidence that answers one part of this complex question by documenting the results of our treatment as accurately as possible, and analyzing these results as carefully as possible.

      Liked by 1 person

    • We need to know about all of the results- the good, the bad, and the ugly.
      My journey had had all of the above.
      Initially, when it was obvious that the medical marijuana was working, I experienced the bitter disappointment of yet another apparently failed treatment.
      As I mentioned ,Dennis and a medical marijuana professional from California I consulted with encouraged me to keep at it but I found a ” gentler path” I can tolerate.
      I am still ” stoned ” much of the time but I can time the administration of my heavy duty dose of current protocol, which as I said averages about .15 grams per day two products I take to treat/manage my Prostate Cancer.
      I had to reread this for clarity because my evening dose is kicking in. That preparation is the one with a 1-1 blend of medicinal grade marijuana derived from both Sativa( for THC),and Indica ( for CBD) the .100 mg tab of cannabis oil has a delayed but pronounced onset of psychotropic effects associated with being stoned- tangential thinking,with associated run on sentences, being the case in point.
      Thanks for all your support, Dennis.
      Readers who want to view my graph can either email me directly at
      Or you can go to my story page on the You Are Not Alone( YANA) web site.
      We are all flying by the seat if our pants or tagging on Dennis’s and the groups CV oat tails.
      Collectively, we are part of an emerging data network, where one can readily search through a variety of documents stored there.
      However, we also have to develop the capacity to sift through the chaffe to find any wheat that might be hidden away out there.
      Each of us has gems of wisdom to contribute to this community.
      One sub-group on the US Too Inspire web site that focuses on highly detailed aspects of the growing and preparation components of o practical distribution system for medical marijuana.
      We can support each other by sharing our stories so that others might learn from.
      Who knows how much valuable information is waiting as kernels of wheat thrown away by others who didn’t take time to listen.
      Listen to each other.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dennis, I am a 14 year old trying to help my dad’s friend who has been diagnosed with non-hodgkin’s lymphoma. Is this cannabis oil treatment effective against this type of cancer? If so, how much should he ingest to kill the cancer effectively? He lives in Kansas, right next door to Colorado, so he can receive his treatment there is he decides to do so. He has under gone chemo-therapy, radiation therapy, and is about to under go a bone marrow transplant. Please reply as soon as possible



  26. Hi Dennis, I have been diagnosed with cervical cancer. I wonder if you know if the THC oil or the CBD oil works best for this type of cancer. I have been taking CBD oil for 2 weeks
    Best regards, Kerstin


  27. Dear Dennis,

    My father’s friend has just recently been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and has been dealing with the symptoms so far. He has gone under radiation and chemo-therapy. He will soon go under a bone-marrow transplant. I have mentioned the THC and CBD treatments to my dad, he then forwarded this information to a better friend of the cancer patient. Finally just last night, this article was forwarded to the lymphoma sufferer. If he did chose to go under cannabis treatment, I have a few questions. Is cannabis oil treatment effective towards Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma? How much cannabis oil should he ingest to kill these cells? He is in Kansas by the way, and is right next to Colorado, which is where he could receive his treatment. Thank you, and respond as soon as you can.



  28. Hi, Jack here, a son of 14 years of age looking to help my father’s friend who recently been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. He is taking the traditional route (chemo, radiation, about to have a bone marrow transplant), but has been sent this article about cannabis oil treatment. He lives in Kansas, and is right next to Colorado, so he can receive his treatment there, if he decides to do so. I have a few questions on this matter. Is CBD/THC treatment effective against Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma? If so, how much cannabis oil should he ingest to effectively kill the cancer cells? Please reply has soon a possible.



  29. Jack – there are numerous reports of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma improved by cannabinoid therapy. Haven’t seen any rigorous research on it thought. ~Dennis


  30. Hi Dennis,
    My father has advanced liver cancer (HCC). Since Sep. 3 (one month after his diagnosis) he has been on high THC oil (almost 90% THC) and is now taking 1g per day. I have been reading about the entourage effect and would like to combine some CBD into his protocol but I’m unsure how much to add or if I should reduce the THC to incorporate CBD. Any information /insight would be greatly appreciated.


    • Kim – you are very wise to add in CBD to your father’s THC regemin. I would suggest CBD up to 1:1 with the THC. Not necessary to reduce the THC, but you can, depending on what supply you can get. There is much flexibility in combining cannabinoids for the entourage effect. Both cannabinoids kill cancer, use a ratio that is practical given your resources. ~Dennis


      • Thank you Dennis. Would you reduce the TCH to 0.5g per day and add 0.5g CBD? Do we have to work our way up to 0.5g CBD the same way we did with the THC, or now that his tolerance for cannabis has been increased can we go straight to 0.5g (or whatever the right mix would be)?


        • Kim – You will not need to work your way up with CBD, as it has no mental effects like THC. Add it in to the THC for your therapeutic blend. Since CBD inhibits the mental effects of THC, it will provide a very nice therapeutic experience. ~Dennis

          Liked by 1 person

  31. Dennis, after reading much of your information, my husband has decided that he needs to begin taking in more CBD’s, since his oil has been almost exclusively THC up to this point. I know you recommend a 1:1 balance, but for the life of me, I can’t find anywhere that you have said what % of THC and CBD that should be. He’s been using RSO that is anywhere from 64% to 80% THC with almost no CBD at all. Would an oil that is 40% THC/40%CBD per gram, still be enough of each to kill cancer, at a gram a day? We can’t seem to find any that has a higher % but maintains a 1:1 ratio. I might add, we are at the mercy of whatever our local dispensary has at any given time since we’re in Illinois where only medical marijuana is legal. THANKS!


  32. Barb – Here’s the important thing, THC and CBD both kill cancer through different pathways: THC working at the mitochondria, and CBD working at the endoplasmic reticulum (as well as other mechanisms) in the cancer cell. The entourage effect of the cannabinoids and terpenoids is very powerful, so the absolute percentage of the cannabis extract is less important. If you can only get 20% THC/CBD, just take more. Even take it separately if that is convenient. To get a gram, add the THC and CBD together. And the 1:1 is not absolute; I’m just saying that for many cancers, taking both is better than a single cannabinoid. There is much flexibility here, cannabis simply kills cancer. ~Dennis


  33. Thanks so much for the quick reply. I think we are going to go ahead and switch dispensaries because we can buy a more balanced THC/CBD oil. I guess my only confusion that I’m left with, is how much he really should be using per day. If this new oil is 40%THC and 40%CBD per gram, should he take MORE than one gram per day? The main issue becomes the fact that the state only allows a certain quantity of THC to be purchased per two week period. (I shake my head once again that the government can control our access to life-saving medicine)


    • Hope Obama’s f…k it list includes ordering the feds to at least back off undercutting the rights of states that have decriminalized use of medical marijuana.
      For example, I can’t cross state lines or fly to a foreign country with medication I have obtained legally in NY State

      Liked by 1 person

    • Barb – My opinion is that a gram of cannabis, can be one or more cannabinoids, that it doesn’t need to be a gram of each cannabinoid. I may be wrong, but I’ve seen no research to dispute it. And yeah, too bad about government ignorance of cannabis therapeutics. Best wishes for success. ~Dennis


      • No, I’m in central Illinois, but there are a lot of dispensaries in the Chicago area. Join us on the Illinois Medical Cannabis Community Facebook page. Lots of good info there!


  34. Hi Dennis

    Great article. I’m in remission from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Currently doing chemo to maintain remission.
    Are blood cancers effected by thc cbd with the same idea? I have seen cases for leukemia.

    If I’m in remission I was thinking the following: 1:1 ratio thc cbday. We have a oil in Canada that are 5% each and 12% each. Just don’t know what my dosage should be if in remission

    Thanks for all you do


  35. Joel – Dosage in remission is an inexact science. Since both THC and CBD are effective in blood cancers, your thoughts on 1:1 are good. For myself I have taken a remission dose that is 20% of my treatment dose, for the last five years; and have had no return of the cancer. I’m just guessing here, but it seems to have been effective. Use your own best judgement. ~Dennis


    • I have heard people taking as little as a grain of rice in remission. Any will help it would seem?? Your idea would seem like building up to a gram(1ml) every 5-7 days would be sufficient….also cost effective too


  36. Hello,

    Sorry for my english, i’m french. Thank google translate!

    My mother have a recurrence of ovarian cancer.

    For one week, I give her cbd oil. 45mg of cbd per day. This product:

    I know I should also add THC to be effecient. I will start to cultivate indoor soon.

    However she can’t waiting, so, I found this thc oil online:

    Do you think it’s like Rick Simpson oil?
    Do you think I can give both (My cbd oil+this product)?

    Thank you very much for your precious help!


  37. Kahuna – Good that you are already using CBD for your mother’s ovarian cancer. THC would be very good to add to the mix for improved healing. It would be nice to have equal amounts of both. MJ2go looks like Rick Simpson oil. The lab test is good. This is a California company, please check if they can send out of the U.S. to you. ~Dennis


  38. Forgive me for a lame question. I’m a total newbie to this… I’m in the NY, US. My wife has advanced cancer…. As far as I understood, there are canabis products that can be legally purchased online, but they have 3% (or less) of CBD and zero THC (correct me if I’m wrong). And there are those that can be bought via prescription only. Do the online 3% ones provide enough strength to be therapeutic for cancer (considering that we would agree to try CBD only), or we are talking about real canabis that must bought via prescription only?



  39. Pianist – Hemp plants give us a little CBD and no THC. Cannabis plants have the richness and high potency of both CBD and THC cannabinoids. My opinion is that for cancer, you will want high potency. ~Dennis


  40. Hi pianist
    As you may know, NYState’s Compassionate Care Act has authorized the use of medical marijuana for certain qualitying conditions that you wife probably meets.
    I will leave it to Dennis and others to weigh in on the proper mixtures of THC and CBD for your wife’s particular cancer.
    However, the licensed dispensaries in NY State have a range of blends and types of preparations, pills or tinctures,etc.
    The enrollment process is cumbersome and the prices are high compared to ” off label” preparations. While these are cheaper, the quality is unknown and the risk of legal sanctions depends on your region.
    Marijuana has been virtually decriminalized in NYCity as long as you are discrete. Unfortunately, it also helps if you are white- not to be flippant about a serious social problem.


    • My wife certainly qualifies for a prescription. I spoke to a doctor and he is willing to help but he doesn’t know about RSO. We’re not sure if the tincture would be similar to RSO. Even if so, looks like maximum quantity in NYC is 7 ml of tincture a nonths. The capsules and vape oil are out of question, correct?


  41. Hi Dennis. For your readers in California who are interested in high dosage cannabinoid therapy, there is a dispensary in Truckee that sells a tablet version of full extract cannabis oil. They have a ramp-up package that takes a patient from 0 to 400mgTHC+100mgCBD daily in 2 weeks. They report that this lets their patients get to high doses quickly with few negative side effects. Since the oil has been transformed into solid tablets, patient compliance is super simple.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Dennis,

        Must it be Indica strand or it can be sativa or hybrids? Dispensaries in NY only offer 0.25g THC per 1ml sublingual tinctures and 0.05g THC / 0.05g CBD per ml. Glycerin or something similar is used as a medium (solvent) to make the substance thin.

        Is it possible to combine 0.5g THC in 2ml of this hybrid strands tincture, with some over the counter CBD of about equal concentration of CBD? Will it work against cancer or it must be Indica only, and RSO only?


  42. Hey Dennis,

    Namaste,I have easy access to really high quality charas. I have a simple doubt, can I smoke charas by mixing it with tobacco? Or does smoking it with tobacco nullify the good effects? Very curious on this, as tobacco is a known carcinogenic and I want to figure if it is safe for me to consume it as a joint.

    Liked by 1 person

  43. Dennis, I have a question that I’m hoping you can answer since you actually are a scientist and can base this on more than just a layman’s opinion. My husband is taking his RSO as a suppository, to avoid the “high” from taking it orally. He is now being told that “oil” will not absorb rectally since it isn’t water-based. Is there any actual scientific proof to that? He certainly doesn’t want to be wasting all of this oil if it isn’t helping him! THANKS!


  44. For a 1:1 ratio of cbd to thc – would you recommend following the dosage schedule with both store bought high CbD hemp extract and RSO ? Trying desperately to help a friend with stage 4 cancer find relief and hopefully time, as she is only 29. I am more familiar with the medical marijuana world than she and her family are, but finding the best information has been beyond difficult. I can and have made RSO – what cbd brand would you recommend ? There seems to be a lot of false advertising in the only cbd market – but I have dispensary access as well – so what is best ?! PleAse help me help someone in desperate need!


  45. Valentine – best CBD is from cannabis, not from hemp. Hemp cannabis is very weak and and lacks many constituents of whole plant cannabis. Yes, use both high THC and CBD to get 1:1. ~Dennis


  46. Dennis! My 80 pound dog has adenocarcinoma that has metastasized in his abdomen. It is not in his chest or effecting any organs at this time. He had a large carcinoma mass removed from his small intestine 3 months ago (the origin of the cancer that metastasized) but has gained 17 pounds since then and is feeling great. I have had him on 90 ml of VETCBD for the last month +. I have been dosing him Care by Design’s CBD/THC oil 18:1 and my question is, how much thc/thca would you recommend to fight the cancer? would you reccomend more than 90 ml of CBD a day? I am giving him the 90 ml of VET CBD and then separately dosing the Care by design 18:1 in his food, trying to gradually increase the amount. Thank you!! Danae


  47. Danae – With your dog about half of human weight, consider human dosage by half. Human dosage for THC is about 500mg/day. If you want equal parts THC and CBD, it works out to 250mg for each. But you need to know the potency… how many mg/ml. Then do the math. There is much opinion about dosage. This is just mine. ~Dennis


  48. Dennis, Is there any scientific reason that cannabis oil would not absorb rectally, with a suppository? I’ve seen conflicting info on the bioavailability of the THC using this method. Don’t want to be wasting this valuable oil!


    • Barb – Research shows that THC is metabolized to 11-Hydroxy-THC in the liver after oral consumption. We also know that 11-Hydroxy-THC is more potent than THC. This suggests that cannabis via smoking, or suppository is weaker clinically than oral since it misses the first-pass in the liver to convert. ~Dennis


      • Dennis my husband has a very high stress job and if I can get him to go this route I was hoping that we could do it primarily with suppositories. So this is really a no go?


  49. Hi Dennis,
    My mom has stage 4 Mesothelioma and doctor recommended only chemo. We are thinking to get her CBD and THC. How do we know if the oil drop for cbd and thc are genuine when purchase from the local cannabis store? Also, what do you recommend? Please help my Mom is suffering really bad.



  50. Bill – An honest dispensary will have independent lab analysis of their products. Ask for the lab reports. A common recommendation is equal parts THC and CBD. Everyone’s tolerance is different; take the oil up to tolerance. Increase the oil according to tolerance.


  51. Thanks Dennis. It should be mentioned that if a dog over 80pounds were given that much thc it would be totally toxic and dogs have different reactions to thc than we do. I am trying to increase his tolerance gradually but we are currently only at 15mg or so a day if that. He’s at 90mg + cbd. Taken with food seems to really help and I’m dosing at night as well. Thank you for the help! Looking into a woman in the east bay (Northern CA) Jane phinley ?who studies cbd /thc combo specifically for dogs. Thanks again.


  52. Deniss…

    Our mother have liver cancer… we have found oil but cant know exactly how much thc and cbd it has…we tried it.. a very small amount and I was few hours like drunk and in slow motion…its very thick and dark…hope this is ok for what it must do…

    One more thing…can I give my mother some things to get better with it… garlic extract for liver, selenium complex for liver, curcumin, green tea extract, black kumin seeds, european milk thistle, cruciferous extract… does this have any negativ effect on canabis oil ?

    Thank you

    Sorry for typo..I am from Croatia, EU


  53. I’ve been diagnosed with secondary cancer and I’m interested in finding a reputable supplier of cannabis oil (THC) and I’m unsure of how to find this much needed product.
    Sharon Tyler


  54. Sharon – go to weed, enter your zip code. Check with available dispensaries for outside lab testing for content and potency. ~Dennis


  55. Hi
    Not sure if anyone can help me please?
    I’m in UK, my mum is having chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer and pancreatic cancer in itself does not have a good success rate. So, i am reading up on cannabis oil but who can I contact about doseage and consumption please? Then, probably I will need to access it off the streets – so what would be best way to go about getting my mum the best possible outcome??
    Any help or advice appreciated.
    Many thanks


  56. Vicky – Research shows that pancreatic cancer responds very well to cannabis treatment. Recommendation is equal parts THC and CBD from decarboxylated, whole plant extract. Start with a small amount, then increase dosage up to tolerance. Also supplement with Omega-3, as it directly supports the endocannabinoid system and its receptor system. ~Dennis


    • Hello Dennis..
      Please help us, our mother have very strange diagnosis, they cant find primary cancer, but she have metastase on her liver 2/3, they dont know is it colon or pancreas( they cant find it ) and they say maybe is on liver but they cant say for sure.
      What is the best thing to do now ( cannabis 1:1 , how much percent cannabis is best ? )

      We are in Croatia /EU

      Sory for my English

      Thank you


  57. Tomislav – You are correct, 1:1 should be the most effective ratio. For potency, find the highest potency you can. If only low potency is available, just take more. Hope your mom does well on this regimen. ~Dennis


    • Dennis; It is almost impossible to find cannabis oil here and to know quality. Only black market. Our oil is very thick like resin, golden brown colour. I can tell you how she looks when she takes it and I have tried it also. She is always sleepy, with very small dose 1/3-4 grain of rice , me also… I was like in another dimension.. My brain is slow, I am not sad like wthout it, and can’t hold my head straight. My head feels very heavy.
      We will try to find some oil that we know for sure ratio and strength… We feel helples because we can’t get quality oil…


      • Dennis,

        Do you know if RSO at 1:1 ratio should be effective against HER2 positive breast cancer? Have you seen it work for such type of cancer, specifically?

        Also, how does my question apply to Estrogen Receptor Positive (ER+) breast cancer?



  58. Dennis,

    My father was diagnosed with stage 3 rectal cancer about a year ago. They removed a third of his ascending colon and half of his rectum and gave him a temporary illiostomy. He went through countless radiation therapies and chemotherapy until they declared him cancer free. They then reconnected the bowl 6 months ago and he has since been suffering from severe lower anterior resection syndrome. At this point he can not eat any dairy, sugar, sugar substitute, fresh vegetables, nuts, beans, skins of fruit, and several cooked vegetables. He has frequent eruptive spells of diarrhea. He takes 8 Lomotil, 6 Imodium, and prescription powder fiber thickener. He spend the entire day today either on the toilet or bathroom floor in pain. His doctor is suggesting sacral nerve stimulation surgery or implant. He has not tried CBD or THC at this point and I am looking for anything that might help him. Any advise at all would be greatly appreciated.




  59. A common recommendation would be for equal parts THC and CBD decarboxylated oil. Start small and increase up to tolerance. Take Omega-3 supplements to optimize the endocannabinoid system for killing the cancer. ~Dennis


    • Dennis,

      Do you know if RSO at 1:1 ratio should be effective against HER2 positive breast cancer? Have you seen it work for such type of cancer, specifically?

      Also, how does my question apply to Estrogen Receptor Positive (ER+) breast cancer?



        • Dennis, thanks for referring to Dr. Christina Sanchez, but I don’t mean breast cancer in general but HER2 positive ER positive breast cancer. What ratio of CBD to THC would you recommend? Or any THC at all?


  60. I have been diagnosed with stage 4 esophagus cancer. I have been given cannabis oil 10:10THC-CBD. Would this be suffient to kill cancer cells or what would you recommend. Thank you


  61. Roger – On dosage for metastatic cancer, some recommend working up to 500mg THC and CBD to kill the cancer. I think it’s fine to use low potency oil extract, just take more to get enough to kill the cancer. ~Dennis


  62. Thank you Dennis, now would that be 500mg of 10:10 2 or 3 times a day. Thank you for all the information you are providing to us all.


    • Roger – I’m not sure what your 10:10 means. But your product should have been lab tested to show potency and content. Find out how many milligrams of THC and CBD in each milliliter (mg/ml); and do the math to get to 500mg/day. Then figure the amount for two or three times a day. ~Dennis


  63. Someone asked me to comment on the “final” outcome of my medical marijuana trial, so here goes.
    For a fuller account, go to the YANA web site.
    Earlier details can be were presented here but can be summarized by saying that before starting the RSO protocol in November 2015, I failed 2 conventional, currative attempts to treat my prostate cancer which was staged as a Gleason 9(5+4). I will send any interested reader a graph of my PSA kinetics after both surgery( a robotic-assisted prostactemony) and salvage radiation treatment which demonstrate that neither of these changed my cancer’s growth rate, as indexed by PSA changes.
    The RSO protocol stopped my cancer’s progression in its tracks, but only for about 3 months.
    Dennis and I have discussed possible reasons for my relapse( delayed onset of treatment, tapering too rapidly, the type of cancer being treated,changing the route of administration from rectal to oral, etc). I have seen this reversal in other data sets and for me it is what it is.
    I bought myself some time, even though my last PSA test result was almost precisely what I would have predicted by extending my pre-treatment trend line.
    My takecaway message, based on my review of the available evidence and my own experience, is that we should focus less on ” curing” prostate cancer and spend more time, effort, and money finding ways to promote a ” durable remission”.
    Medical marijuana has a good research base and track record to support its use and should be among the treatment options anyone considers.
    I am an experienced user of recreational marijuan a, but the RSO protocol kicked my ass at age 70, although I had been compromised by my two previous interventions.
    I would try it again, only earlier on in my staging of treatments, and would be more cautious about managing the tapering phase.
    I would probably trybanother protocol which administers a lower daily dose for a longer duration and might consider a different ratio of THC to CBD than the 1-1 mixture I employed.
    It is an abuse of our civil liberties, particularly hthe right to effective treatment, that the federal government refuses to back off from its irrational and outdated enforcement policies, by not at least rescheduling marijuana toma category that is supported by available scientific evidence and the personal experiences of millions of people.
    There, I said it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you!!! Those of us dealing with cancer and looking for something other than poison chemo so desperately want to hear from folks like you.
      Have you heard of Essiac Tea? I invite you to check out the testimonials on the 4-Herb Concentrate at
      I had some bloodwork done 1/20/17 after a weeks use of the 4-Herb, I am hoping for a decent reduction in my CA125. I’m dealing with a recurrence of Stage IIIC ovarian cancer…I was just at that 5-year mark too.


  64. My son had a massive tumor growth on his face 3 wks after surgery he was up and about the doctor suggested kemo and radiation apparently it didn’t go well the cancer spreeded to his neck and lungs he’s only 33yrs old..and they have him so sedated he’s in a comatose state. Please can you help my son


    • Linda – If you want to use cannabis therapeutics to treat your son, and live in a cannabis legal state, you need a card. Call MediCann 866.632.6627 and make a doctor’s appointment. The doctor will guide you to the next step.


  65. Daniel – Start small to determine what is tolerable. Take up to tolerance. Your tolerance will increase, so keep increasing until you get up to treatment levels. Some recommend up to 500mg THC. Taking 1:1 THC:CBD will inhibit the mental effects and be very therapeutic. ~Dennis


  66. Can you provide the sequence of PSA test results, with dates, starting from your first detectable result until the last reading of .55.
    Please indicate if they were all from the sane lab.
    I don’t have an answer to questions about optimal dose, or method of administration( suppositories vs capsules) but I can help you track changes in the rate of change during treatment.
    You can’t do this in the most obvious way, by comparing changes in doubling time A
    PSA scale does not have a true ” zero value” so it is not a ratio scale.
    Like Centigrade or Fahrenheit, vs Celsius, you cannot compare ratios across different dimensions of the scale.
    The double from 20 to 40 degrees Centigrade is not the same as the double from 40 to 80 degrees.
    You must either convert to a log scale or plot the data on a semi log scale, and track the results by visually inspecting changes in the slope of the lines connecting the data points.
    I can also show you how,to construct a process behavior chart to determine if changes are random fluctionsxabout a,stable mean or if there is,a signal in the data.
    Dennis and others have more experience with using medical marijuana to treat prostate cancer.
    However, there are certain rules you must follow in analyzing your data,if you want to learn anything from your experience.


  67. What kind of cannabis oil did you use? being in San Diego where can I get some and it’s the cannabis oil the dark molasses kind I’m looking for correct?


  68. Hi Dennis,
    Could you explain what you know of RSO? I am able to obtain this, and would like to get your suggestion on how to use it for tumor eradication.


    • Melissa – RSO commonly refers to whole plant decarboxylated cannabis extract oil. Most cancers respond best to THC, or equal parts THC and CBD. Some cancers (like breast) respond best to CBD. Hope this is useful. ~Dennis

      Liked by 1 person

  69. Correct, Jonathan; some dispensaries call this Rick Simpson Oil. Get decarboxylated whole plant to get the terpenes. If you can find it, get THC:CBD 1:1, as CBD kills cancer and also inhibits the mental effects of the THC. Omega-3 supplements maintains integrity of the endocannabinoid system. Start small, increase up to tolerance. Should be good to go. ~Dennis


    • Just a point of clarification, Dennis.
      Is it correct to say that the CBD component of the RSO preparation ” attenuates the psychoactive effects of the THC” or is it more likely the case that by increasing the ratio of CBD to THC that there is simply lessTHC in the person’s system
      I ask this because in my case, after the prolonged exposure I had to the high potency 1-1 ratio THC/CBD I experienced whenI administered the RSO protocol, I still experience a mild psychotropic effect when I take a capsule of a preparation from my dispensary that has a 19/1 CBD to THC ratio.
      Then again, each person is unique in how he/she responds to medical marijuana and I am 72 years old.
      Perhaps my long history of recreational marijuana use caught up with me.


  70. pfadtag – It’s just my opinion, but it appears that CBD does actually inhibit some measure of the THC mental effects. However, anytime you have THC in the mix, you will notice it; even in small amounts. ~Dennis

    Liked by 1 person

  71. Hi Dennis,

    I have stage 2 ER+, PR+, HER2- Breast cancer and I was diagnosed last year in March, I am only 27y.o. I refused conventional treatments, didn’t even go for operation. I am on alternative treatments and I wonder what rate CBD to THC would be ok for me as it’s hormone positive breast cancer. Can you please let me know if you have heard from anyone or know anyone with the same case who are taking the oil?


  72. Dr. Cristina Sanchez knows more about cannabis and breast cancer than anyone else. Look her up on YouTube. She says CBD is more therapeutic than THC for breast cancer.


  73. Hi Dennis, I have a question about your specific dosage.

    You mention that you were taking 1 gram per day, on a 1:1 CBD to THC ratio. I understand that makes 500mg of each therapy.

    I understand using an 80% purity concentrate means 1/2gram contains 400mg of actual THC.

    I see you mention that your maintenance dose is 30% THC, but you don’t mention what percentage of THC was in your Therapy dose.

    My question is, what percentage THC was in your 1:1 oil/concentrate?

    Thank you for your time and energy, and for sharing your testimony.


  74. Aaron – The percentage of THC in my treatment dose was about 50%. I should also mention that I supplemented with Omega-3 which is essential to the Endocannabinoid System. Also supplemented with vitamins K2 and D3 that are anti-cancer. Also supplemented with Boron, specifically for the prostate cancer. ~Dennis


  75. Is there a product the contains the cbd oil and thc oil? Or do I need to purchase both products and dispense seperately? I live in Colorado so would local dispensaries sell these products and how can I make sure I am purchasing the best quality. My father has been diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer and I dont care about the cost. His life is priceless to me.

    Thank you,



  76. Thanks for a succinct summary of the basic biochemistry of the endocannabinoid system. I am fascinated by the role of ceramide and eicosanoids but have only studied them in endotoxemia and inflammation.


  77. I’ve had prostate cancer off and on for the past 20 years. I was initially treated with Brachytherapy, external beam radiation and hormone therapy. Successfully. However after 1 year my PSA started to rise. After a negative biopsy I was put on Lupron and Casadex for 9 months. I remained off all meds until my PSA started to rise 10 years ago. In 2010 I had 2 biopsies, my PSA was over 5 and they finally recommended hormone therapy. In early 2011 I started hi dose casodex and my PSA was <1. I was off and on casadex until September 2013 at which point I discontinued all drugs. I did 9 months of an itraconizole trial where my PSA bounced between 15 and 20. For the past 17 months I’ve had no meds and my past PSA was 46. I started RSO on 3/7 with suppositories and oral capsules. Hi THC low CBD, Indica strains. I’m about half way thru getting to 60 grams. Next PSA is in 2 weeks.

    My question for you is how you plan to do the taper off and what constitutes a maintenance dose? I’m 64, currently taking time off from work and would consider not going back to work if I have to stay on RSO indefinitely.

    My oncologist wants me to go on Lupron indefinitely so this is my last attempt to do something other than that. I have tested positive for PC in my lymph nodes in my pelvis and neck. Oh, and they picked up nodules on my Thyroid at my last CT scan and it turns out I have thyroid cancer too. So seeing if the RSO can impact that, otherwise I have to go under the knife for that one.

    I look forward to your response.

    Dennis Kercher


  78. After biopsy confirmed the cancer was gone, I went to a maintenance dose of 20% of the treatment dose. This is my current regimen. ~Dennis


  79. Hi Dennis, my husband has been using oil with approx 80% THC and approx 15% CBD for stage 4 pancreatic cancer. He had amazing results after 12 week scan and smaller reductions at next scan with primary on his pancreas no longer showing on the scan . His last scan showed a new lesion on his liver and increase in lesion on spleen. He is using oil rectally. Is the oral dose better for the liver. Can you suggest anything to kick start the oil? Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  80. Linda – we know that rectal dose of THC does not go through the liver, so you might try oral and see if that is more effective. ~Dennis


  81. On the other hand, my experience with the RSO protocol was that I was able to tolerate the psychotropic effect of the medical marijuana better when I took the ,
    .9 grams daily via suppositories (300mg each) than when I took the same dose in capsule form.
    Unfortunately, our irrational drug policy has preventedresearch on this topic.
    Each person has his/her own comfort level and probably responds in a unique way as well.
    You can’t generalize from one case study.


    • Dennis always recommends to go to your local dispensary, you can use to find it, and ask for “decarboxylated 1:1 THC:CBD from whole plant.”


  82. Dennis could you please clarify to cure the prostate cancer does the CBD oil need the THC component in it to cure the cancer or can it cure it alone? I have already had surgery in Dec. of 2013 and then radiation in Sept of 2014 neither of which has worked. the Drs’ now say I am incurable but treatable. Just 1yr into therapy and it also seems to be failing. I am a CDL driver and concerned about testing positive. I am getting very concerned at this point and am hoping you can provide some much needed guidance so I can make an educated decision on what to do. I am only 53yrs old and would like to be around when my daughter gets married some day. I live in Pennsylvania where medical use has just become legal in the past year. My latest bone scan has shown it to be starting in my hips.


    • Jeff – THC kills cancer through the CB1 receptor that generates Seramide that disrupts the mitochondria of the cancer cell (while not affecting normal cells) which kills the cell. CBD disrupts the Endoplasmic Reticulum of the cell that holds the cellular DNA, thus killing the cell, leaving normal cells unchanged. So both cannabinoids kill cancer, using different modalities. I recommend 1:1 THC:CBD. But if one is not available, the other will still kill cancer. Also supplement with Omega-3 that maintains the integrity of the Endocannabinoid System. Continue to increase dosage as tolerable. ~Dennis


      • Thank You Dennis. As I said I have a CDL license so I am governed by federal law which is no THC allowed in your system or you can loose your license and livelihood. Of course killing the cancer is more important. If I understand correctly it is best to have both CBD oil and THC but the CBD oil alone can cure cancer. Does it matter that I no longer have a prostate and it is now in the begging stages of entering my bones? I currently do not have it anywhere else and could I continue the hormone therapy for a safety net or would it interfere with the CBD? I would just like to say that the service you are providing to so many is a wonderful gift not only to the people you are helping directly but their families as well you are truly a GIFT. Thank You ever so much!


  83. I certainly am not speaking for Dennis but can I just say that if you don’t have your health, you won’t have that truck driving job anyway…Talk to your “boss”, let that person know what you’re going through (cancer)…and that you’re fighting for your life and will be using all means necessary to live- One if which will be using medical marijuana that needs cbd as well as thc in order to provide the best treatment. Be upfront and honest in your truth- you’d be surprised at the outcomes. Be brave and courageous for yourself (and your daughter 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  84. Hi Jeff – sorry to hear of your plight. I also have Stage 4 PC. My PSA is 44. Positive for lymph nodes and possibly a few bone lesions. I just did 2.5 months intensive with the RSO oil, consuming over 110 grams. I used an Indica strain that was largely 70% THC and 8% CBD as everything I read was pretty much that the THC kills the cancer. It reduced my PSA by 8 points. Not enough. Would love to be in the group of people that MMJ helped cure cancer. Not sure I’m going to make that. I’m back on Lupron. Still taking a 100mg dose of 40% THC/40% CBD at nite. I get a blood test later this week. Fingers crossed.
    BTW – I wouldn’t drive when doing the treatment. Took the time off from work (I’m 64) and went mostly vegan, no gluten, wine/beer, coffee, meat, etc. Best of luck to you. Do your research on the options for failed treatments. Good to know what conventional medicine has to offer and see if you can supplement it with MMJ.


    • High Dennis
      Sorry to hear about your situation,which is similar to mine.
      I would encourage you not to think about ” curing” your Prostate cancer.
      Rather, think about ways to arrest it’s progression.
      What were the last three PSA test results before you started medical marijuana?
      A drop of 8 points might represent a significant accomplishment, if your values were progressing rapidly?
      What was your doubling time before treatment?
      In my case, medical marijuana stopped my PSA progression , which did not occur either after surgery or radiation treatment.
      It didn’t persist however.
      You took a mammoth dose of medical marijuana but maintenance is also important.
      Another reason not to focus on a cure.
      Some experts think that a lower dose for a longer time is equally effective.
      As Dennis mentioned to another responder, the important thing is to find a regimen you can tolerate.
      I found that administering the preparation via rectal suppositories helped me tolerate the psychotropic effects of the drug.
      Taking a higher ratio of CBD to THC also helps.
      Being stoned for 2 and 1/2 months was an ordeal for me and I “only” took in 65 grams during that period. I can’t imagine how you must have felt taking in 91 grams.
      Stick with your diet.
      I also found that Casodex brought my PSA down dramatically but I couldn’t tolerate the 150 mg per day I took for two months.
      Good luck on your journey.


  85. Hi Pfadtag – I believe you and I corresponded a while back, but after taking Lupron for 30 days I can’t remember a damn thing! I have 20 years of data on my PSA, bone scans and CT scans. I’ve researched and researched. I think you are correct in that I will be learning to live with my PC at this point. I had high hopes for MMJ. So now it’s just about managing side effects from the Lupron. I’m taking 100mg of an Indica at 40% THC/40% CBD at night. Even still I wake 5-6 times a night soaked in sweat. Trying to find something that will help with that.

    Any suggestions from the group?


    • Hi Dennis
      Was reading some past posts and came across yours from several months ago.
      How is the Lupron tx going.
      Have you considered Xofigo?
      I don’t want to take up space on this forum with non- cannabis related treatments.
      My personal email address is
      If you want to continue this discussion.


  86. As prevention, use 5-10mg CBD orally, daily. Also cut out sugar, and take Omega-3 supplementally to maintain integrity of the endocannabinoid system. Cancer thrives on sugar; no sugar, no cancer. ~Dennis


  87. I love CBD oil! I’ve been battling stage 4 cancer for the last 11 years now. The last few years I stopped chemotherapy and have been taking water soluble BioCBDplus. I’m thankful it has helped me maintain my health and keep me in remission. Also, I had persistent knee pain and thumb joint pain. Since I’ve been using CBD I’ve had no pain! – Keli


  88. My father (72 yrs) is suffering from thyroid cancer (Anaplastic)
    Is the oral dose better for the Thyroid cancer (Anaplastic) . Can you suggest anything to kick start the oil?
    How much CBD & THC can intake and how.
    Please advise.
    Thank you.


  89. Bobby – If you are in a medical cannabis legal state, go to, to the Doctor section. You can get a medical cannabis card and a consultation on cannabis therapeutics from the doctor you talk to. Ask your questions to the doctor. ~Dennis


  90. Hi, I am a US citizen living in SA to help my Mother. My mom has ovarian cancer and was in remission, but it is back now and it is stage 3. We believe the CBD is helping her. I gave her water soluble BioCBDplus to help with her chemo. It helps her to stay calm and with eating and sleeping. – Hiren


  91. hi iam thinking of using rso for advanced prostrate cancer on adt treatment at present found a person to make it for me from indica strains but wont know the thc or cbd values as its ilegal where i live can you tell me dennis is it still useful inthis form and must i heat the oil before taking it


  92. Hi John – In my experience, Cannabis kills cancer… low dose or high dose; doesn’t matter. RSO is usually heated during extraction. This re-forms THCA to THC so that the Cannabis molecule will fit the receptors of our own Endocannabinoid System (ECS). For cancer, heating (decarboxylation) of the Cannabis extract is essential. Be optimistic… this works. ~Dennis


  93. Hi Dennis,
    Thank you for all of the amazing information. When you say no sugar, are you also referring to fruit and all of it’s anti cancer benefits? i.e. cherries, blueberries etc. which all contain sugar?
    Or do you mean to only cut processed sugars etc?
    Thanks again.


  94. Natural fruit sugars (fructose, glucose) are not as toxic as table sugar (sucrose). So cut out sucrose, and cut down on fructose and glucose). All sugars are acidic and this toxicity stimulates cancer growth. ~Dennis


  95. Hi Dennis! How are you doing? Still taking a maintenance dose of RSO? Since you are the only documented case online I know, it would be a great motivator to know you are well for a lot of people! Greetings from Switzerland!


    • Hi Nancy, i’ve forwarded your message along to Dennis. I spoke with him about a month ago and he’s doing great – jogging daily and teaching meditation on a regular basis. I’m sure he’ll respond here shortly.


  96. Nancy – I’m good; prostate cancer continues in remission. Yes, I do take a maintenance dose 1:1 THC:CBD. Taken at night helps me sleep and gives me a good feeling.


    • Fantastic news! I am so happy for you and you give us great hope too. My husband is trying now 2 seperate oils (1 high CBD and 1 high THC) 6 hours apart. Total ratio is 2:1 CBD:THC since his cancer is advanced and Gleason 9 and we are told antiinflammation is important.
      At the moment just cannabis and lifestyle changes, yoga as well.
      PSA dropped from 17.9 to 12.5, but after 2 weeks pause (because of heart issues that ended up not related) got up again. PET CT showed 30% less activity, so we keep trying.

      I was wondering how important it was for you to take Lupron shots at beginning. In other words if the mix lupron/cannabis could be important.

      How much maintenance dose do you take in mg THC/CBD?

      I will tell all my friends from facebook groups related to cancer that your are well! You are hope for so many people around the globe!!!


  97. I would like to thank you Dennis from the bottom of my heart for telling your story and providing me with the knowledge and method to treat my stage 2b prostate cancer. Over the past 4 years, I had 4 biopsies and 9 PSA tests which showed a slow increase in cancer growth. I did the full 9 month treatment using your protocol and then had an MRI. My prostate had returned completely back to normal! It was painless and easy to do without any psychoactive effects.
    Words cannot express my gratitude to you. You’re work and videos are truly a gift to humanity! Bless you Dennis Hill. –Ken

    Liked by 1 person

  98. Hi Dennis, my stepdad has prostate cancer that has metastasised in the bones of the hips, elbow and shoulder. He has started hormone therapy and is taking various herbs and supplements. Could you kindly guide us on how to find the right kind of oil for his condition? We would appreciate it very much. Thank you, Maria.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Maria
      Your step-father is fortunate to have you doing research for him.
      I have a similar history to your step/ father and would be delighted to share my experiences with you.
      The Risk Simpson Oil protocol , discussed elsewhere on this list serve , put my prostate cancer on hold for 6 months. If I had handled the transition to maintenance therapy better, I might have experienced a better outcome.
      My email address is
      If you write to me I can share some additional
      Information that might be helpful to both of you.
      Dennis- do you have a search function that Maria can use to retrieve previous emails on this topic?
      Wish your step- father good luck on his journey from me.

      Liked by 2 people

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